Antibiotics and Oral Health

February 8, 2024

Have you ever experienced an extreme toothache or a severe oral infection? If so, antibiotics may be the sidekick you need to help save you from pain in a dental emergency. Antibiotics focus on targeting the abnormal bacteria causing your discomfort. It’s important to note that antibiotics must be used appropriately and only when needed because their side effects can be harmful. For instance, over-use can contribute to an antibiotic resistance–not great for the next time you have a toothache.  

Having a consistent and proactive dental routine is essential to preventing bacteria problems such as cavities and other oral infections. This includes daily flossing, brushing twice a day, using a fluoride toothpaste, and consuming a balanced diet. Without a consistent routine, you may find that there could be an increase in negative oral health symptoms. Some examples include frequent bad breath, more plaque, increased cavities, and general oral discomfort.

Depending on the severity of tooth decay or oral health infection, it can result in you feeling aches and pain. Antibiotics come into the picture when a cavity or infection is more severe and going under a regular cavity treatment is not enough.  

Antibiotics are not a one-size-fits-all situation. The gravity of your infection will influence your prescription. It’s crucial to follow the exact instructions set out by your dentist to see optimal results. Physically you may notice less discomfort after a few days, but stopping before a prescription runs out could mean not healing fully or reverting to the pain of day one.  

Commonly-used antibiotics for oral infections include amoxicillin, penicillin, and clindamycin.

Our clinic is always accepting new patients! If you are experiencing any concerning oral health symptoms, book an appointment at Kildonan Crossing Dental Center. Our team will look into the best solution for your teeth.