How Does Pregnancy Affect Oral Health?

January 25, 2024

Pregnancy changes the body in many ways, including hormonal changes that can affect oral health, typically in the second trimester. This shift can cause an increase in susceptibility to gingivitis, periodontitis, and other oral diseases. Additionally, there has been a link between pregnant individuals with periodontitis giving birth in situations requiring pre-term delivery or having underweight newborns, though the reason for that link isn’t yet understood.

Another part of pregnancy that can impact one’s oral health is morning sickness. Morning sickness is one of the most common side-effects of pregnancy. Consistently throwing up can cause trouble for your teeth because of the acidity from your stomach contents. Ultimately, when your teeth are frequently getting exposed to your stomach acid, it can wear them down. This leads to your teeth being more exposed to bacteria and increasing your risk of infection. If you’re experiencing  morning sickness, here are some steps to follow in order to help protect your teeth.

  • Rinse your mouth with water right away
  • To ensure acid levels in the oral cavity have decreased, wait a minimum of half an hour before brushing teeth

Having a nutritious diet is crucial to a healthy pregnancy and sustaining oral health. A diet filled with a variety of foods ensures that your teeth are getting the necessary vitamins and minerals needed to create a strong barrier. It is recommended to book a dental cleaning during your first trimester.

Furthermore, practicing a consistent dental routine is crucial to maintaining dental health. This includes daily brushing, flossing, and using a soft-bristled brush.

Our clinic is always accepting new patients! If you are concerned about how pregnancy may affect your oral health, book an appointment at Kildonan Crossing Dental Center. Our team will look into the best solution for your teeth.