Life After Braces: Unsupervised Retention and Aftercare

September 20, 2024

Getting your braces removedis such an exciting time! Your brand-new smile is finally on full display forthe world to see. The gum tissue that supports your teeth has settled intoplace, and you can enjoy the permanent results — so long as you practice properaftercare!


For the year following theremoval of your braces, our dentists will check in with you to help keep you ontrack for proper upkeep. But once that year is complete, it’s up to you to maintainhealthy habits, so all that progress isn’t lost.


Orthodontic treatments areinvestments, and a few simple steps will produce better long-term results. Ifyou want to maintain that gorgeous smile, follow this guide to proper orthodonticaftercare.


Is It Normal for Teeth toShift After Braces Removal?


Yes, some minor shifting overtime after the removal of your braces is to be expected, so there’s no need topanic! Varying degrees of shifting can occur as a result of growth, normaltooth wear, habits like teeth grinding or nail biting, or trauma from injury.If you’re worried about your teeth shifting, put your retainer in — if it stillfits comfortably, then the shifting isn’t a major problem.  


How to Prevent Teeth fromMajor Shifting After Braces Removal


The best thing you can do tomaintain your aligned bite is by wearing your retainer. For that first year ofsupervised aftercare, it’s recommended that you wear it 24 hours a day (asidefrom during mealtimes and when you’re brushing your teeth), but in the yearsfollowing, you can just wear it at night.


For the first six months ofunsupervised aftercare, wear your retainer 3–4 nights per week. After that, 1–2nights per week is sufficient. When it isn’t in use, be sure to store it in itsprotective case!


Regularly sanitize yourretainer after use and consider bring it in with you during your regularcheckups so we can ensure it’s still in good working condition. If you lose itor break it, we can always craft you a new one that’s custom molded to yourunique bite.


Are you worried your teethmay be shifting too much following the removal of your braces? Book anappointment with our team at Kildonan Crossing Dental Clinic, and we’ll behappy to assess any changes to your bite alignment and recommend additionalaftercare tips if needed.