January 10, 2024Does Genetics Affect Oral Health?Have you ever heard someone say they need braces like their dad did? That's because genetics play a part in your oral health!November 23, 2023How to Handle A Dental EmergencyIn a dental emergency situation, we want you to be prepared and calm to tackle anything that comes at you en route to our Winnipeg dental clinic.November 7, 2023The Effects of Clenching and Grinding Your TeethIt’s important to recognize the signs of bruxism to avoid damaging your teeth and decrease any other pain or discomfort. December 27, 2023What is A Root Canal?You may have heard of a root canal. And it may have been (not so subtly) implied that it’s a terrible thing. It’s not actually that bad.December 7, 2023What Does It Mean to Have Sensitive Teeth?Sensitive teeth can be frustrating, and eliminating foods from your diet isn't always effective. Read more to learn how to manage sensitive teeth.October 24, 2023How Does Diet Affect Your Oral Health? Learn the steps to making informed and beneficial choices for your diet to help preserve your oral health. October 13, 2023What Does Dry Mouth Mean for Your Oral Health? Dry mouth (xerostomia) occurs when there is a lack of saliva in your mouth. Learn why saliva is an important part of your oral health. October 2, 2023Botox ProceduresThere are therapeutic and cosmetic Botox procedures used for different purposes – read our blog to learn more. August 22, 2023The Worst Foods For Your Teeth One aspect of dental care often overlooked is the impact of our dietary choices on our teeth.PreviousNext